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Practices make Perfect. The data projects I was participated in had built up my technical skills, trained my communication skills, and trained my leadership skills. 

  • Writer's pictureRongbin Ye

Private Sector: Deloitte National Case Competition: Collected, Analyzed and visualized the Data

Updated: Jan 7, 2019

In consulting industry, collection and analysis of data determine the depth of the recommendation, and the visualization of data affects the persuasiveness of consultants. During the Deloitte National Case Competition at SAIS in 2018, the group and I were asked to develop a market strategy for a fitness equipment firm in the next ten years. My goal is to provide a systematic assessment, a detailed analysis and well-grounded recommendation.

The outputs included an excel file with estimated cost of its expansion and two slides with a 2-minute presentation. As a private firm, the company did not have an open data. The data were collected from multiple sources, such as Bloomberg terminal and news. Based on the estimation and competitors overview, an estimation of financial growth and costs were created in excel. Our recommendation on the cost of its expansion was visualized on one slide. The outcome was that our group won the 2nd place out of 12 groups, due to our financial estimation report and visualization of the data.

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